Good growth is a result of studies, plans and strategies that interconnect and materialize.
Let’s IMAGINE MEAFORD taking logical steps to get to these measurable goals:
Planning and development befitting of small town Ontario*, governed and sustained by the principles of good development for housing, liveable scale and green spaces for ALL.
Build an economically vibrant municipality for future generations.
Value, protect and leverage the unique attributes of Meaford’s waterfront location.
Protect our agricultural lands and rural heritage.
*According to Stats Canada (2016), population centres are classified into three groups, depending on the size of their population: • small population centres, with a population between 1,000 and 29,999 • medium population centres, with a population between 30,000 and 99,999 • large urban population centres, with a population of 100,000 or more.
We look to successful communities to inspire good growth for Meaford.
Niagara-On-The-Lake leads with a specifically defined vision.
Meaford and NOTL are uniquely defined by heritage, agriculture and waterfront. NOTL has successfully created a desirable destination, known for its thriving tourism economy. Attraction of commerce is based on what the region offers.
NOTL’S Vision:
Niagara-on-the-Lake is a fiercely independent, economically empowered town offering a rich tapestry of recreational, historical, cultural, and educational opportunities, public green spaces and a uniquely valuable agricultural area. Our stunning landscape offers a rich experience where the journey equals the destination. We are a community for everyone. We are a resilient, distinctive and dynamic town in which to live, work and learn. Through responsible stewardship we preserve the balance of values that makes us a world-class destination. Although we dream big, we stay true to our small town roots.
Bracebridge leads with a clear community-based strategic plan.
An excerpt from their Community-Based Strategic Plan 2018-2028
We know that Bracebridge is destined for growth and development over the next 10 years. It’s important that we grow and work together to ensure that there are homes, jobs and services for our fellow community members – both those who have been our longtime neighbours and those new to our community. But we also know that the preservation of our Town’s character, heritage and environment must be front and centre as we prepare for and embrace these changes. That’s why our Strategic Plan is unique among the 444 municipalities of Ontario. It provides the Town with a path forward to a better future while also working to preserve the unique characteristics that make our community great.
Stratford leads with enforced design guidelines for planning & development.
General design guidelines have been assembled to direct the appropriate form of development in Stratford’s Waterfront Core Area. The guidelines can be broken down into commercial mixed-use guidelines, residential guidelines and signage guidelines.
The goal is intended to address the relationship between facades and public realm, the form and mass of buildings in relation to one another, and the scale and types of streets and blocks all within a mixed-use development.
The promise of a better future begins with taking care of what we already have.
Maintenance of public spaces is good strategy for economic development. Thriving communities are maintained communities. Attractive communities attract…investors, entrepreneurs, local and tourist business alike.
Q: How is Meaford doing?

Section A2.3.2 of the Official Plan talks about “maintaining” and “enhancing” Meaford. By all appearances, the upkeep of public spaces is not a budgetary priority for our leadership.
Be sure to copy cao@meaford.ca and clerk@meaford.ca in your correspondence.

“The Municipality of Meaford’s Community Improvement Plan (the Plan) is intended to promote long-term sustainability by establishing a collection of financial incentive programs that encourage and support private property owners to develop, redevelop, rehabilitate, remediate, and restore lands and buildings within the municipality.”

How has Meaford’s Community Plan impacted your business?
Let us know.
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