July 2nd meeting at the Harbour Pavillion with SkyDev and area residents.
Port Elgin was cited by Carrie Lamarche as an example of what SkyDev is building in other communities. Note: these are being sold as “luxury” units. Really?

A recap of the meeting:
Residents were fully engaged. There was a lengthy discussion regarding who and how the invitations were managed or NOT so well managed. Many residents had been missed or excluded and commented as to why this would be scheduled on a long weekend? Additionally, there was no representation from either Council or the Municipality which was described as very "disrespectful" to the residents.
The invitations were extended electronically by Rob Armstrong at the Municipality and were roughly co-ordinated by Carrie Lamarche at SkyDev, to be both in time slots for some individuals who had requested an audience, as well as a "drop-in" open forum for all to contribute and hear others. All presenters and speakers were asked to social distance and wear a mask.
SkyDev positioned the meeting as an "information gathering" meeting to understand what was most important to the residents, and indicated there would need to be compromises on both sides. This did not "sit well" with the residents and ended up in frustration and ultimately the departure of some residents.
Some residents had participated in the Zoom Call Council deputations and thought this would allow SkyDev to bring revised thoughts or plans to the meeting, which was not the case. Without Municipal or Council representation this was not a balanced meeting and SkyDev was questioned on why they would believe any compromises should be possible? All of the issues identified in the Zoom call remained as being important—Density, Building Height, Parking, Green Space, Massing, View of the Waterfront, Traffic, Compatibility with the Neighbourhood, etc.
The remediation of the property and what the implications would be for the local residents (air contamination, heavy metals, etc.?) Increased traffic during construction and beyond, (Only 2 streets in/out with poor roads now; traffic for children, parking for workers) Current wildlife/environment dangers for birds (High-rises and glass?) Infrastructure of the town not capable of this volume of growth—Fire, Snow, Policing, Marina Traffic, Grocery Store, etc. Traffic study not credible—winter during a snowstorm / Covid, etc.)
Some focused on “Attainable” / “Affordable" and this development must appeal to young families and have rent geared to income.
One resident questioned the reasoning for using this property for such high density and why not appeal to higher-end luxury for the community given the unique character and beauty of this property? This would be less taxing on infrastructure and provide greater appeal and revenue for the municipality? Other properties in the Municipality could be available to offer "Attainable" options.
Carrie LaMarche made no commitments but rather, took several notes to take comments under advisement. She indicated the proposed 5 floors were required to enable cost effectiveness of having a 24hr. property manager on site to manage parking, balcony clutter, etc. for the apartment rentals. In addition, Carrie indicated the 5 floor building height would be more cost efficient as a 3 floor building uses the same elevator and materials.
Toward the end of the gathering a local resident Bob Peel introduced himself and indicated he was previously on the Chamber of Commerce, but had recently stepped down. He had interest in a property that would be part of this development. Bob claimed he had experience in scouting sites for economic purposes and thought that the residents should be very appreciative of SkyDev’s efforts because the hotel development would be an immense improvement for all the businesses and restaurants. His only comment was that the parking volume should be a very important metric and possibly increased for the hotel.....thanking SkyDev for all their efforts. Carrie indicated that zoning change was very important for them to be able to secure a potential hotelier.
Finally, a resident asked what the next steps were for SkyDev. Carrie responded that SkyDev would take all input and consider some alternative layouts and return in September for an in-person meeting at the Meaford Hall or some other venue (providing Covid permits) .