Councillor Harley Greenfield
Responds to IMAGE MEAFORD’S questionnaire:
I would like to answer question #5 first, since I believe our Official Plan is of utmost importance in our municipal business at this time. After that, I will reply to the questions in order. Hopefully that is acceptable.
Q5. What role does Meaford’s “Official Plan” have in guiding development?
Your Official Plan states the policies adopted for land uses in a Municipality. It includes rules as to how properties can be used, such as residential, commercial, industrial, institutional, agricultural, plus a number of others,
The OP should also designate areas for green spaces, parks, trails, and in particular, what areas and to what density development should occur (including height). The Plan should solidify Council's dedication to various forms of growth in the Municipality.
Usually, urban development should coincide with the availability and capacity of existing infrastructure services, or those proposed for future installation.
An Official Plan must not only reflect the wishes of Planners and developers, but also those of local citizens, It also must relate closely to the clauses of our County OP, and Also Provincial policy statements. Unfortunately, and fairly recently, our local OPs have been brought under questionable scrutiny by our Provincial government, which has introduced a very pro development line of support.
Q1. Meaford is experiencing dynamic growth. How do you see ratepayers’ involvement in that growth?
I believe ratepayers’ involvement with growth lies largely with Council. The first responsibility of the Municipality is to keep our residents informed of potential local initiatives coming forward.
This starts with an up to date website every 24 hours plus a question and answer column that requires a response from an appropriate staff member within one working day.
Ratepayers should be encouraged to come to more meetings, including Council, budget, and Committee sessions. They should sign up to be on the agenda, and ask pertinent questions about the agenda items listed.
Email or call their Council members, approach them for information IF staff have not responded.
When it comes to zoning bylaw amendments, development proposals, severances ,etc., neighbouring residents within 500 meters of the project need to be notified in writing, and at least two weeks prior to any Council discussion of the proposal.
In addition, ratepayers need to keep themselves more apprised of Council issues. Contact the Municipality Office and/or the website as often as you can, and attempt to keep current on activities.
If elected, I will introduce discussion to examine moving Panning sessions from a 5 o'clock starting time to 7 o'clock. May not be advisable to start later, but I believe the question should be debated, hopefully with ratepayers’ input.
Q2. Currently there is a debate on the effectiveness of the Municipality of Meaford’s Advisory Committees as they are currently structured. How would you ensure community committees are used more effectively by Council and the Municipality in the next term of Council?
My suggestions for making Committees more effective would begin with having every Comm. chair a member of the public, as opposed to a Council member. After all, they are to be a public committee.
We should determine if meeting bi monthly is appropriate. Is there a need for more frequent meetings, especially if some item could substantially change the current conditions.
Committees should be given ample opportunity to examine and evaluate budgets(as they apply to that committee), before Council passes or refuses projects. If there are several pertaining to that Committee, perhaps a session only discussing budgetary items is in order.
If deemed necessary, have Committees attend budget meetings to present their preferred projects
All Councillors, should be encouraged, at least on occasion, to attend Committee meetings as observers, in order to keep up to date.
Empower Committees to have their Council reps bring forward recommendations that have been passed in the form of notices of motion to Council agendas.
Q3. Would you support the creation of a community-based Advisory Committee for Planning and Development?
A New Committee should be developed, but I believe the name should be a Planning, Development and Climate Change Committee. The three must act in a unified cohesive direction.
Q4. What is the role of Council and the Municipality in supporting the development of downtown Meaford? In rural areas? Please provide examples.
I would like to see new businesses, or those expanding, prepare a business plan to tell what products they will market, or manufacture and how many employees they might have. Also suggest an opening date for your business, your expected competition, and projected income. These items will help the Municipality and Council members get a better grasp on what may be expected.
If possible, it would be beneficial for the Municipality to supply some suggested mentorship for a new business.
Building permits and necessary zoning by laws should be expedited as much as possible. The new Rebuilding process should help. When working with Building, Planning and bylaw officer, co-operation should be the standard, not confrontation. If mistakes have been committed, let's rectify them quickly and amicably.
Explain and offer Community Improvement Policy grants and loans possibilities.
Advocate and reward renovations or new new buildings by companies that have green initiatives built into them.
Recommend attainable housing units when possible above the ground floor businesses.
The Municipality should examine a reduction in development charges while pushing for a more eco friendly downtown community.
In the rural area all roads and bridges must be made safe and passable. Roadsides must be kept clear of underbrush and tall weeds to improve turning visibility for large farm equipment, and any vehicle entering onto the road.
Increased signage, lower speed and weight limits should be declared on many rural roads, especially those with questionable surfaces.
Guarantee a 'right to farm' atmosphere by advising all non farm residents of what to expect when living in a predominantly rural area.
Promote agriculture as a main economic driver in our Municipality. Offer support to our local Fall Fair and our county farm safety committee. Advocate for shopping at the Farmers’ Market and buying from local farm produce outlets.
Ensure the farm community is aware of Community Improvement grants, the same as the urban area.
Follow the items on the Committee of Adjustment agenda, and examine as to whether or not severances or minor adjustments, easements will affect the local agricultural scene.
Q6. There are many issues that need to be addressed in the coming four-year term, including affordable housing, staffing shortages, the downtown heritage district, business development, climate change, tourism, and a host of infrastructure needs supporting agriculture, bridges, roads, water and sewer and urban green spaces. a. As a member of Council, how will you work with local and county/regional partners and Meaford's CAO and staff to move the Municipality forward on the above issues? Can you provide any examples? What, in your opinion, are the most urgent issues to address?
a. As a member of Council, how will you work with local and county/regional partners and Meaford's CAO and staff to move the Municipality forward on the above issues? Can you provide any examples?
Affordable(or attainable) housing, however you wish to name it, has become essential in our Municipality. Grey County is involved, and can be used as a partner to help supply accommodation. I did introduce a notice of motion to discuss a possible financial contribution to a local housing cause in 2023, and that should be discussed during budget deliberations late this year. A small start, but at least a discussion point.
Our Municipality has a number of vacant houses, both urban and rural which could/should be occupied. As well, the old Capitol Theatre could contain likely 7-8 apartment units. We should urge owners to convert these buildings into multiple apartment units. Loading of building permit fees or development charges could've used as incentives to ease the Reno costs.
As for tourism, as a member of the Parks Committee, I voted in favour of improving and expanding our several Parks. Memorial Park Maser Plan was one we worked on extensively. I introduced a motion which was supported to reduce the number of recreational vehicle parking spots on the waterfront, and replace that area with green/public space. it will decrease revenues there, but increase space for the public to enjoy the waterfront.
The Harbour Master Plan should be moved forward as that area has the potential to draw more tourism. The boating and fishing practices should be supported as part of our historical rec activities.
The downtown Heritage District, in my opinion should be enlarged and protected. There are several impressive and important houses in the rural area as well that should be designated. A community that exemplifies, strengthens and supports its Heritage features, both man built and natural, can be a huge tourist attraction.
Although we have over 100 full-time staffing equivalents, there are some staff positions that should be added. An Economical Development Manager, Customer Services Coordinator, and a Project Superintendent are vacant. It is also arguable that our Municipality should be thinking about a full-time Climate Change Officer.
In the rural area, it is imperative that our next Council arrange for a meeting amongst ourselves, the Twp. of Chatsworth and Grey County Roads personnel to finally plan for the replacement of bridge #21 and 22. I would definitely try to move that ahead, as a resolution is far overdue.
And finally....our downtown needs a grocery store. I would advocate for such an enterprise, one that specializes in selling the essential groceries, including fresh veggies and fruit, and a genuine bakeshop. This would not be a Loblaws or Sobeys supermarket, but with an increasing Mennonite population, why not attempt to attract a Misty Meadows type market for our mid urban area.
Q7. What is the Municipality of Meaford’s share of tax dollars collected by Grey County? How will you ensure that Meaford’s needs are met through County initiatives (via these tax dollars)?
Our lower tier share of taxes to Grey County will be between 7.1 and 7.2 million dollars this year.