Who We Are
Imagine Meaford is a collective of like-minded volunteers who have a shared mission of advocating for good, responsible growth in the Municipality of Meaford.
Our core members are located in all areas of the Municipality—from rural to urban—and include descendants of original settlers, long-time homeowners, newly transplanted residents, and vacation-property owners.
We are entrepreneurs, current and retired professionals, employers, tradespeople, and students with a wealth of knowledge and experience in such skill-sets as planning, development, brand design, engineering, economic development, communications, and project management. We are already engaged citizens, serving on boards of community institutions and service organizations, including the Meaford General Hospital, the Rotary Club, and the Chamber of Commerce.
Most importantly, we share a desire to preserve and protect our “jewel” on Georgian Bay through smart, responsible growth and development. Meaford is a special place to live, and our goal is to work respectfully and collaboratively with our elected representatives and staff to help shape the future of our community.
Thank you for your interest!
If you share our vision and want to become involved with Imagine Meaford, please contact us.

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