Councillor Tony Bell

Responds to IMAGE MEAFORD’S questionnaire:

Q1. Meaford is experiencing dynamic growth. How do you see ratepayers’ involvement in that growth?

As to growth, council needs to have people come out to council and say your thoughts on the proposal growth that is happening, as we need to hear from the ratepayers in order to speak up for "the people" I hope you all added to the new updated official plan, if you did thank you.

Q2. Currently there is a debate on the effectiveness of the Municipality of Meaford’s Advisory Committees as they are currently structured. How would you ensure community committees are used more effectively by Council and the Municipality in the next term of Council?

This remark of advisory committee effectiveness comes as a bit of a surprise to me! all committee meetings come to council and we are in the loop from each and every one of them.If the structure is not open or more free than the folks who sit on them would like it is because committees as authorized by council are an extension of council, and why you sign a code of conduct.If you are looking at a different method of reporting maybe council could look into an official change on the agenda items having the committee chair do a direct report. People volunteering on committees is critical for our overall direction leading to success.

Q3. Would you support the creation of a community-based Advisory Committee for Planning and Development?

I think having a group of good hearted and concerned residents engaging with proposal developments would be out of place and here is why. Council just passed a brand new policy called "the pre-consultation process" a different way to engage with developers and I want to see how it works. Also know that there are many many proposals that staff hear about and they in a lot of cases never ever come to council. If this committee was formed to impact developers a break down in the governance system would be seen and an ad-hoc look would happen. Remember #1 your voice matters, we listen, in due process and the right time. An election is to have people in place to guide the municipality through all subject matters and set the course and to develop our strategic priorities for the term.and apply them.

Q4. What is the role of Council and the Municipality in supporting the development of downtown Meaford? In rural areas? Please provide examples. 

I am happy to tell all of you that at council on Sept.12th two great changes were supported. One at the old Stedmans building having a hotel above and development along Collingwood street. Please check out both of these happening builds as they are badly needed to re energise the downtown. Out in the rural areas our CHIP grants are open to farm gate or on farm value added business like grape growers and wine production (this adds to tourism). I wish to promote urban and rural business wherever I can. Also continue to utilize the business directory that lists all known even out to Hwy 6/10 area.

Q5. What role does Meaford’s “Official Plan” have in guiding development?

The new and in the near future our municipality of Meaford official plan is very very important, I have just got in to a red line edition and have many hours to go but it is more than just saying it is a big deal it is the future. Also know at the Sept. meeting I mentioned #4 the Municipal Act is changing and no more bonusing is allowed but some new terminology will happen. We will all see what the province will have in its place. Our official plan also is a major factor for LPAT (the reviewing panel down in Toronto) from residents or the developers themselves. As I write this last night Sept 19th a special meeting on planning (official plan) was presented and commented on. It is the most impactful document we have, things such as population growth, ec-dev,green energy, social impacts for quality of life, green spaces, waterfront enjoyment, tails and pthways, farm land and use including farm business workshops, water protection, industrial locations, new home builds with a variety of designs including "tiny" homes. Again I emphasize the supreme importance of the official plan.

Q6. There are many issues that need to be addressed in the coming four-year term, including affordable housing, staffing shortages, the downtown heritage district, business development, climate change, tourism, and a host of infrastructure needs supporting agriculture, bridges, roads, water and sewer and urban green spaces. a. As a member of Council, how will you work with local and county/regional partners and Meaford's CAO and staff to move the Municipality forward on the above issues? Can you provide any examples? What, in your opinion, are the most urgent issues to address? 

a. As a member of Council, how will you work with local and county/regional partners and Meaford's CAO and staff to move the Municipality forward on the above issues? Can you provide any examples?

The most urgent issues for the new term (A) New development proposals that will impact the wastewater treatment plant expansion. (B) Keeping bridges open and roads improved and how to finance them.all (C) A limited supply of affordable housing (D) High expectations of new residents for services along with the voice from rural community that they are lacking support from the municipality. (E) No staff member to head up ec-dev leading to a limited number of good paying jobs. (F) An aging population and we are seen as a retirement community. Moving forward our voice at the county must bring attention to all these things. Our CAO has always said and it is true his door is open for council to talk to him. And when members of council go to conventions make appointments to have an audience with provincial ministers.

Q7. What is the Municipality of Meaford’s share of tax dollars collected by Grey County? How will you ensure that Meaford’s needs are met through County initiatives (via these tax dollars)? 

An easy question, the county receives 27% of tax collected dollars and to ensure our municipality gets what we need the mayor and deputy mayor must be consistent in representing us, and speak with one voice and not be split a lot of the time. Work out how to advance Meaford ahead of time so both know what to do and how to vote.