IMAGINE MEAFORD exists to advocate for good growth through studied research of documents and processes in support of Municipality Staff, Council and the residents of Meaford.
This website seeks to be a place of gathered and shared information toward that end.

November 7, 2022
“Red-lined” version of the Official Plan is now available.
The “red-lined” version of the updated Official Plan document puts the changes into the text of the plan to make it easier for the reader and non-experts to interpret the changes.
Council Questionnaire
CLICK HERE to read what our newly elected council members have to say about key issues in Meaford.

July 14, 2022
Notice of Appeal to the Ontario Land Tribunal for the Zoning By-Law Amendment Application Z04-2021 from the legal representatives for Skydevco Inc.
An excerpt from the Municipality's news release:
"Notice of Appeal Received for Skydevco Inc., and July 18, 2022 Special Council Meeting Cancelled On July 13, 2022, the Clerk for the Municipality of Meaford received a Notice of Appeal to the Ontario Land Tribunal for the Zoning By-Law Amendment Application Z04-2021 from the legal representatives for Skydevco Inc. This is for the proposal located at Boucher Street East and Fuller Street.
As a result, the noted application by Skydevco scheduled for consideration by Council at the special meeting on Monday July 18, 2022 cannot be heard, as it is now under the jurisdiction of the Ontario Land Tribunal. The Special Council has therefore been cancelled.
The Ontario Land Tribunal adjudicates matters related to land use planning, environmental and natural features and heritage protection, land valuation, land compensation, municipal finance, and related matters. For information on the OLT visit https://olt.gov.on.ca/.
A helpful overview was written by Stephen Vance of The Meaford Independent. Click here to read the article.

SkyDev’s revised plan #3 contravenes Meaford’s Special Policy Area #1 of the Official Plan.

Questions or concerns about Planning and Development in Meaford?
planning@meaford.ca AND clerk@meaford.ca (please ask Clerk to distribute to Council & Mayor)
AND COPY your email to the following:
rvoigt@meaford.ca (Rob Voigt, Director of Development Services)
rarmstrong@meaford.ca (Rob Armstrong, CAO)
dmccarl@meaford.ca (Manager, Planning Services)
planning@grey.ca (Grey County)
SUBMIT Planning Division related questions to the Municipality’s “foreaction” tool online at:
Advocating for good growth in Meaford.
And 3 hours later.
Thanks to the residents of Meaford for your respectful, informed responses to the SkyDev development at the PUBLIC MEETING on May 17, 2021.
A closer look at the stats.
Imagine Meaford’s responds to The Meaford Independent’s article entitled, “Why Small Towns and Suburbs Need to Build Up, Not Out.”
Residents want to know.
Check out the Q&A for more information about this development. A revised site plan was proposed in September 2021. Nov. 9 is the next public meeting.
It's been a busy time.
Since the formation of IM in April 2021, 1,700+ emails have landed in our inbox. Residents want good growth for Meaford and we’re here to help.
Although Meaford has been waiting years for development, rapid development can take precedence over GOOD planning. When communities begin to imagine beyond the ordinary, remarkable things can happen.
Let’s IMAGINE MEAFORD for what it could be.
This is what IMAGINE MEAFORD is about.
We are a group of proactive residents who genuinely wish to contribute and to support good growth for Meaford. We live here. We love it here. We believe residents bring a valuable perspective to community vision and planning.
IMAGINE MEAFORD has joined together to answer these questions:
What does Meaford want to be?
How can we work together to define a clear vision—to boldly IMAGINE MEAFORD for the next generation?
How will Meaford put this plan into action?
Our immediate goal is to encourage involvement.
Given the “tsunami” of current development, our immediate goal is to engage as many residents as possible to help shape the new opportunities that are coming our way. Our goal is to work with elected representatives and developers at the early stages of development to ensure that design, density and sustainability goals are being respected.
What does good development look like?
Balanced community planning that allows for a mix of incomes and housing, including attainable housing.
Quality housing with amenities and resources at every price point for all homeowners—including young families starting out.
Planning by design for healthy communities.
Protection of our green spaces and waterfront spaces.
Economic opportunities based on our unique Georgian Bay location.
Respectful consideration for existing character.
Prevention of excessive height and densification.
Long-term sustainability for all residential developments in Meaford.
Our long-term goal is to provide ongoing support.
IMAGINE MEAFORD seeks to serve in an advisory capacity to Meaford Council to support good growth and promote a robust and sustainable local community and economy.
Be informed. Be heard. Be part of the change.
Please contact us with your inquiries, insights—and interest to be part of IMAGINE MEAFORD. Or if you simply want to know what’s going on with updates, that’s fine too!

Contact us.
NOTE: Your privacy is respected. Contact information will not be shared without your expressed permission.