Official Plan Review Topics
Imagine Meaford has gathered some thoughts for improvements to the Official Plan. Check them out below:
Urban Design Guidelines: Is there current funding to begin this process? UDG are urgently needed and they must be clear and enforceable. Timing to get started? UDG should align with Meaford’s brand so focusing our brand now is critical.
Notification to Public of New Development Proposals: Extend notification area for planning applications if development has over a certain number of units that would significantly impact the community or existing neighbourhoods (suggestion 50 or more units). Current notification requirements suit developers but not the Meaford community as they do not sufficiently encourage active public engagement early enough in the development process.
Site Signage: Set a requirement for large readable signs for all development applications. Many precedents exist (see City of Toronto precedents where 3D image of the proposed buildings must be shown so a layperson can see what the building(s) will look like in place). Signs must be readable from vantage point of a passerby - eg. on HWY 26 this means a person going by in a speeding car so the sign should be Billboard sized versus in the town where cars are traveling slower and people are on foot so the sign might be just 4 feet x 3 feet.
Growth Funding Tools: What is the current cash in lieu of parkland calculation and how will this help fund future park and trail improvements? Is it adequate?
What expectation is there that a developer will contribute to doctor/physician recruitment for the extra households they wish to add to our community? How can Meaford mandate funding by developers for all sorts of community improvements like fire services, swimming pools, arena improvements, etc? A growing population requires more services. It cannot come just from the existing residential tax base. (Community Benefits Charges or other tools)?
Downtown Historical Area and Harbour and Special Policy Areas: These are very important community gems. Consider strictly limiting building heights and density - prohibit “bonus zoning” with clear language.
Refine language throughout the OP on such topics as building height, urban design issues, property maintenance and upkeep, short-term rentals etc. Remove the wiggle room that exists now: eg. words like “should”, “recommend”, “encourage” “may”, and “generally supports” etc. Those terms can create loopholes for developers and make it more difficult for staff to defend a municipality’s position.
Revisit density targets in consultation with residents and Grey County: Stable neighbourhoods and special policy areas may not be suitable areas for strict minimum density requirements such as those set by Grey County and which conflict with Meaford’s current O.P.
Short Term Accommodation Regulation: Commercial enterprises should be regulated. The number of STAs multiplied during the Covid pandemic and investors are buying up homes to use as commercial businesses throughout Meaford and taking urgently needed housing supply out of inventory. Most jurisdictions have limited the number of STAs permitted and regulated where they can be located. How will Meaford regulate so we don’t create a transient population, noise violations, parking issues, health and water quality issues ( STAs should not be on septic systems near Georgian Bay) Short-term rentals may compete with Meaford’s plans to bring a viable hotel to the town.
Consider adopting a STA Bylaw similar to the one in Town of Blue Mountains: This would give consistency. The two towns are very close geographically and failing to match restrictions/guidelines could push even more STA businesses here to Meaford if our regulation is lax.
Revisit density targets in consultation with residents and Grey County: Stable neighbourhoods and special policy areas may not be suitable areas for strict minimum density requirements such as those set by Grey County and which conflict with Meaford’s current O.P.
Short Term Accommodation Regulation: Commercial enterprises should be regulated. The number of STAs multiplied during the Covid pandemic and investors are buying up homes to use as commercial businesses throughout Meaford and taking urgently needed housing supply out of inventory. Most jurisdictions have limited the number of STAs permitted and regulated where they can be located. How will Meaford regulate so we don’t create a transient population, noise violations, parking issues, health and water quality issues ( STAs should not be on septic systems near Georgian Bay) Short-term rentals may compete with Meaford’s plans to bring a viable hotel to the town.
Consider adopting a STA Bylaw similar to the one in Town of Blue Mountains. This would give consistency. The two towns are very close geographically and failing to match restrictions/guidelines could push even more STA businesses here to Meaford if our regulation is lax.